Registration Papers & Fees for Kindergarten - 8th grade

New Student Registration Instructions 2024.pdf - click to read

Class Sizes are Limited

Re-Registration Instructions 2024 - 2025.pdf - click to read

Documents with Colorful Fonts are Forms to Fill Out

Financial Information

Financial Obligation 2024 - 2025.pdf

Kind to 8th grade Tuition 2024 to 2025.pdf

Kind to 8th Other Lutheran Tuition 2024 to 2025.pdf

Additional Family Fees 2024 - 2025.pdf

BLACKBAUD Tuition Management Welcome and Instructions 2024 to 2025.pdf

Guardian Forms to fill out

Guardian Permissions 2024 to 2025 .pdf

Guardians Emergency Agreement 2024 - 2025.pdf

 Arrival and Dismissal Information

Arrival Dismissal Form 2024 - 2025.pdf

School Bus Information.pdf

New Bus Stop Requests Form 2024 - 2025.pdf

Morning Bus Times SJL 2023 to 2024.pdf

Afternoon Bus Times SJL 2023 to 2024.pdf

Extended Care

Extended Care Information 2024 to 2025.pdf

Extended Care Registration Form 2024 to 2025.pdf

Individual Extended Care Prices 2024 to 2025.pdf

Family Extended Care Prices 2024 to 2025.pdf



Health Examination Form.pdf : For all New Students and Kindergarteners

Extra Curricular Permission Slip 2024 - 2025.pdf - Signed by Guardian and Physician

Vaccination Requirements 2024 - 2025.pdf



School Uniforms

SJL Dress Code 2024 - 2025.pdf

Kids Place Price list 2024 St Johns Lutheran.pdf

Kids Place coupon flyer Summer 2024.pdf

All Kindergarten and New 1st - 8th Grade Students: Additional Form

Kindergarten - 8th grade Application.pdf


© 2024 St. John's Lutheran Staten Island School
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